Problem Solving Process

A structured inductive approach that can be used to solve any problem.

Basic problem-solving process

Once the problem has been defined, the problem solving process proceeds with a series of steps, rapidly iterated, revised, and repeated.

Execute every step for three reasons:

  • First, the process establishes a path to defining and disaggregating the problem in a way that will allow the team to move to a solution.
  • Second, the process ensures nothing is missed.
  • Third, the process gives all team members, clear steps to following.

In working through the process, bear two factors in mind:

  • Iteration: Develop an early solution and approach and to iterate them. The early solution will typically take the form of a “Day 1” or “Week 1” draft storyline that the team will revisit and iterate.
  • Communication/syndication: Communication, syndication, and problem solving are interlinked. In completing the Problem Statement Worksheet, you are prompted to define the key stakeholders.


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ToBeConsult bietet individuell zugeschnittene Lösungen und kein Standardvorgehen. Wir haben eine strukturierte Vorgehensweise, Modelle und effizienter Methoden entwickelt und wenden diese in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden an. Wir denken unternehmerisch und handeln stets aus der Sicht des Eigentümers.